Top Gifts For High School Graduates

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High School graduation is such an exciting time. Graduating high school is the very beginning of the rest one’s life. College, careers, parties, opportunity, and freedom all come at once during this special time. Getting a gift for a high school grad can be tough. Choosing between cash, gift card, or actual gift? There are so many things high school grads need, including school supplies, dorm essentials, and personals. It’s important to make the grad feel special and relate to his or her lifestyle and personality.

Here is a list of fun, budget friendly and personable gifts to get for a high school graduate!

  1. Make a college survival kit. There will be things new college students will need and not know it while dorming away from home. Things to include in the survival kit: Batteries, lysol wipes, air freshener, tissues, pens, lint roller, cough drops, tums, advil, tape, scissors, chapstick, and hand sanitizer! This is an opportunity to get creative!
  2. Laundry Basket.(We personally recommend this one.) Get your grad ready for the real world with a laundry basket containing detergent, dryer sheets, towels, and tide-to-go. Doing laundry is something that is brand new to many high school grads, providing laundry supplies is great way to get them ready to do laundry on their own.
  3. Dorm Decor! Get items to spice up the dorm room in a personalized way. 329 Dorm decor is a wonderful company that will customize products. 329 Dorm Decor offers pillows, coffee cups, night lights, canvases, and more! Check out 329’s etsy shop here.
  4. College Friendly Gift Cards. Gift cards are a popular gift to give for graduation but there are many stores that offer a discount with a college i.d.! Some popular stores that offer college discounts are:
    *Apple – offers 8% off with College i.d.
    * Charlotte Russe- Offers 10% off with College i.d.
    * Vineyard Vines- Offers 15% off with College i.d.
    * McDonalds- Offers 10% off with College i.d
    * Dairy Queen- Offers 10% off with College i.d.
    * Amazon Prime- $40 off a year with College email address

-Sarah Sapola, Intern

Emily B.
Emily B.

Just an Ohio native, horse girl, rookie skier, post-grad-debt survivor trying to make it in this small business world by decorating some grad caps and inspiring others to follow their dreams as well.

Find me on: Web | Instagram

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