The world provides opportunities that bring our confidence down. But in contrast, the world is amazing enough to grant us opportunities to get out of our comfort zones and build our confidence up stronger than ever.
This is probably one of my most favorite things about life. Doing things out of comfort zones that broadens horizons and life experiences. From my experiences in life, there is only one person who can believe in me – that would give me the most confidence, and that is myself. In any situation, if I told myself I could do it, there is no doubt that I would.
I will never forget the first time I went skiing… by myself.

I had only been skiing a couple of times and the first time I tried skiing, I got my first concussion. Additionally, I am terrified of heights and speed, but there is just something about skiing that my soul craves on a daily basis. On my first solo trip, I started slow, going down some of the smaller hills, building my confidence back up. Feeling on top of the world after spending almost the entire day skiing.
But at the end of the day I found myself getting on the wrong ski lift, and looking down from the top of the hill that I had fallen down and gotten my concussion. Being at the top of a hill, unfortunately, there really is one way down. I didn’t let anyone around me know I needed to find another way to get down the hill, instead, I took a deep breath and literally was told myself, out loud, “You Got This.” I made it to the bottom of the hill without a single scratch. I confidently can say it is because I believed in myself and told myself “You Got This.” I am proud to say I have been able to conquer much bigger hills since this moment and have been able to broaden my horizons as a skier.
Believing in myself has given me the confidence to go outside my comfort zone and truly enjoy some awesome experiences in life.
Like the time I first fell off a horse.
Horseback riding has been something I have enjoyed ever since I was a little girl. I dreamed of riding with one of my best friends, but to do so, I was going to have to ride a horse bigger than any horse I have ever ridden. Excited, I saddled up and was eager to learn during my lesson. However, I had an innocent fall where the horse looked one way and I went the other. Instead of doing the whole tuck and roll that they teach you, I thought it would be best to fall flat on my back like a pancake. (My best friend said it was hilarious.. thanks girl haha) Luckily I was wearing a helmet but my confidence was rather bruised. I was in the middle of a lesson lying flat on my back in the middle of the arena and completely got the wind knocked out of me.
I remember sitting up and my trainer running to my side concerned if I was okay. In shock and confusion at what had happened, I immediately looked up and asked if the horse was okay. My trainer laughed and said the horse was just fine. After getting up, I had a decision to make: get back on the horse to finish my lesson or walk away and take it easy.
I naturally my mind was determined to get back on the horse, but my body was pretty shaken up and I could feel myself getting sore. Approaching the horse, his size seemed to have multiplied in my eyes and I realized how thankful I was for it just being a minor fall, as it could have been much worse. I gave him some love and assured him it was not his fault. I took a deep breath, told myself once again “You Got This” and got back on the horse. To this day I am thankful I made the decision to get back on the horse because if I didn’t, I may not have ever saddled up again.

When life gives you an opportunity to either get back on a horse or walk away, I hope you take a deep breath, tell yourself “You Got This” and saddle up. I believe you can do it, so you should too.
In the spirit of building self-confidence, I have created a YGT decal. The decal was created to remind you that you got this. Place it on your helmet, on your computer, or even on your mirror you look at every day. It is a quiet reminder to yourself that you got this, without anyone knowing you might have a moment of self-doubt, YGT is a simple way to build up your self-confidence every single day. We hope that our decal builds your confidence, gets you out of your comfort zone, and truly encourages you to experience all that this wonderful life has to offer.
We would love to see where you have placed your YGT decals and hear some of your self confidence stories. Tag us on instagram and we may share it to inspire others to build their confidence as well.

Just an Ohio native, horse girl, rookie skier, post-grad-debt survivor trying to make it in this small business world by decorating some grad caps and inspiring others to follow their dreams as well.